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Changed on:

16 May 2024


Changes the state of any type of incoming entity to the status provided in the input parameter using the generic update status mutation in GraphQL. It changes the state of the {event.entityType} to {status} using GraphQL.

The rule SetState is a newer version of

. Moving forward, please use
instead of

Plugin NameOrder Reference Module

The Order Reference Module is the foundation for order-related implementations. It provides reference workflows for click & collect, home delivery and mixed baskets and those needed to build your own. Extensible by design, use this Module as a base to build a solution to your customers' needs.

UI Description

Changes the state of any type of incoming entity to the status provided in the input parameter using the generic update status mutation in GraphQL. It changes the state of the {event.entityType} to {status} using GraphQL.


  • ALL


  • This rule performs an update mutation on any type of incoming entity to update the status.

Rule parameters




The status to be applied to the entity in the incoming event

Event attributes

This rule does not directly identify any event attributes.


This rule may result in the following exceptions:

IllegalArgumentException: When any required entity details are missing from the incoming event, for example:

  • the 
     is empty if it's a legacy-orchestrated entity
  • the 
     is empty if it's a non-legacyOrchestrated entity
  • the 
     is empty if it's a RETURN_ORDER/RETURN_FULFILMENT
  • the 
     is empty if it's a RETURN_FULFILMENT

ActionException (with code 422): When an unsupported entity type is provided for update status mutation.

RubixException: When the update mutation operation fails.

Configuration example

2  "name":"<ACCOUNTID>.order.ChangeStateGQL", 
3    "props":{
4      "status":"PENDING_PAYMENT"
5   }

Language: json

Detailed Technical Description

Based on the type of the incoming entity, this rule either calls GQL or REST API to update the status of the entity to the new 

 given in the input parameters.

Version History



refers to plugin

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