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Create a mystique manifest page for testing component Examples

How-to Guide


Randy Chan

Changed on:

1 July 2024

Key Points

  • A step-by-step guide to show how to create a new manifest page.
  • This new manifest page will be used to play around with Component SDK examples from the other articles.


Step arrow right iconGo to the Setting page

Log on to OMX, go to the Settings page, and click the

user Action button at the top right corner.

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Step arrow right iconCreate a new Setting: fc.mystique.manifest.oms.fragment.componentSDKExample

Create a new setting with the following details:



Context: ACCOUNT

Context ID: 0

Value Type: JSON

JSON Value:

2    "manifestVersion": "2.0",
3    "routes": [
4        {
5            "type": "section",
6            "nav": {
7                "label": "i18n:fc.componentSDKExample.nav",
8                "icon": "view_list"
9            },
10            "pages": [
11                {
12                    "path": "componentSDKExample",
13                    "type": "page",
14                    "component": "fc.page",
15                    "nav": {
16                        "label": "i18n:fc.componentSDKExample.index.nav",
17                        "icon": "MdTab"
18                    },
19                    "props": {
20                        "title": "i18n:fc.componentSDKExample.page.title"
21                    },
22                    "descendants": []
23                }
24            ]
25        }
26    ]

Language: json

Name: fc.mystique.manifest.oms.fragment.componentSDKExample code


[Warning: empty required content area]
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Then click on the SUBMIT button to save.

Step arrow right iconadd label translations into setting LANGUAGE_EN-AU

Add the label translation into your preferred language setting. 

1"fc.componentSDKExample.nav": "Component SDK Example",
2"fc.componentSDKExample.index.nav": "Component SDK Example",
3"fc.componentSDKExample.page.title": "Component SDK Example",

Language: json

Name: label translation for manifest fc.mystique.manifest.oms.fragment.componentSDKExample


[Warning: empty required content area]
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Step arrow right iconadd fc.mystique.manifest.oms.fragment.componentSDKExample into fc.mystique.manifest.oms

Go to setting fc.mystique.manifest.oms and add the following code into the JSON VALUE:

3    "type": "reference",
4    "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.oms.fragment.componentSDKExample"

Language: json

Name: Code snippiet for fc.mystique.manifest.oms


[Warning: empty required content area]
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Step arrow right iconCheck the result

We have created a new manifest page in settings, added label translation, and added the manifest page into OMS.  

To see the result, click the "refresh" button at the browser level to reload the OMS.  The component SDK Example menu should be displayed in the nav bar. Click on the item, and you should able to see a brand new blank page with the heading "Component SDK Example":

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And now you are ready to start playing with Component SDK examples!

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