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UserAction button in OMX UI

Essential knowledge


Randy Chan

Changed on:

17 May 2024


This article gives a better understanding of how to configure and display user actions on the UI.

Key points

  • How to configure
  • `userAction`
  • `userAction`
    display sequence (appearance)

Configure userAction

userAction is defined in the workflow. When the OMX is loading a page, it will check and see if there are any rulesets that contain userAction that satisfy the manifest module and trigger status criteria; if so, display the userAction button on the top right-hand corner of the page.

userAction Type

The userActionType is defined in the workflow context. There are two userAction types:

  • PRIMARY - The userAction button will be displayed in the top right-hand corner.
No alt provided
2            "name": "AddNetworkToLocation",
3            "description": "Add network to a location",
4            "type": "LOCATION",
5            "subtype": "STORE",
6            "eventType": "NORMAL",
7            "rules": [
8                {
9                    "name": "{accountID}.locationupsert.AddNetworkToLocation",
10                    "props": null
11                }
12            ],
13            "triggers": [
14                {
15                    "status": "ACTIVE"
16                },
17                {
18                    "status": "INACTIVE"
19                },
20                {
21                    "status": "CREATED"
22                }
23            ],
24            "userActions": [
25                {
26                    "eventName": "AddNetworkToLocation",
27                    "context": [
28                        {
29                            "label": "Add Network",
30                            "type": "PRIMARY",
31                            "modules": [
32                                "adminconsole"
33                            ],
34                            "confirm": true
35                        }
36                    ],
37                    "attributes": [
38                        {
39                            "name": "ref",
40                            "label": "Network Ref",
41                            "type": "STRING",
42                            "source": "",
43                            "defaultValue": "",
44                            "mandatory": true
45                        }
46                    ]
47                }
48            ]
49        },

Language: json

Name: Example of userAction with type: PRIMARY


[Warning: empty required content area]


  • SECONDARY - The userAction button will be displayed inside the ellipsis icon (vertical three dots)
No alt providedNo alt provided
2            "name": "DeactivateLocation",
3            "description": "Notification for a location status change",
4            "type": "LOCATION",
5            "subtype": "STORE",
6            "eventType": "NORMAL",
7            "rules": [
8                {
9                    "name": "{accountID}.core.setState",
10                    "props": {
11                        "status": "INACTIVE"
12                    }
13                },
14                {
15                    "name": "{accountID}.core.SendEvent",
16                    "props": {
17                        "eventName": "UpdateLocationStatus"
18                    }
19                }
20            ],
21            "triggers": [
22                {
23                    "status": "ACTIVE"
24                },
25                {
26                    "status": "CREATED"
27                }
28            ],
29            "userActions": [
30                {
31                    "eventName": "DeactivateLocation",
32                    "context": [
33                        {
34                            "label": "Deactivate",
35                            "type": "SECONDARY",
36                            "modules": [
37                                "adminconsole"
38                            ],
39                            "confirm": true
40                        }
41                    ],
42                    "attributes": []
43                }
44            ]
45        },

Language: json

Name: Example of userAction with type: SECONDARY


[Warning: empty required content area]

userAction display sequence (appearance)

In terms of the button appearance, the OMX will first look at the manifest->page Props actions section to retrieve all eligible userAction buttons to display. Then, it will check the userActions from the workflow. Therefore, if you have a specific display sequence for userAction buttons to display, use the manifest to arrange the display order.

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